2 Weeks Pregnant - What To Expect In Early Pregnancy

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Maybe you are 2 weeks pregnant, but you are not sure. If you are, it is hard to believe that pregnancy will last almost 40 weeks.

Maybe you are 2 weeks pregnant, but you are not sure. If you are, it is hard to believe that pregnancy will last almost 40 weeks. There are many changes your body will go through beginning as early as when you first find out that you are only 2 weeks pregnant. But how do you know how far along you are? How do you measure the weeks to know if you are 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks pregnant, or just how far along you really are?

Some of the popular topics covered here include:

  • Signs of Early Pregnancy at 2 Weeks Pregnant
  • How Are Pregnancy Weeks Counted
  • Coping With Early Symptoms
  • Common Complaints

So first, let's review some of the most common concerns that occur during the first 2 weeks pregnant that most women ask about, as well as what you can expect in those early weeks of pregnancy.

Signs of Early Pregnancy 2 Weeks and Beyond

So, maybe you are pregnant, but not really sure. So what can you expect at 2 weeks pregnant? What are the 4 weeks pregnancy symptoms that show up? As early as when you are 2 weeks pregnant, you may notice the signs first by just feeling tired. Then, you may be nauseous at the very "smell" of food! Next, you may need to use the restroom, frequently. It is very common to feel this urge often, even at 2 weeks pregnant. Mostly, at 2 weeks pregnant, women are slightly irritable with a more fatigue than usual, and probably somewhat bloated.

Some women cannot tell they are pregnant or notice any changes at all at 2 weeks pregnant. For some, the first early sign of pregnancy is when they miss a period. Another indicator of early pregnancy is an increase in appetite or cravings for specific foods. Your body will begin to change because the baby uses food from your body. So, during early pregnancy appetite increase early on will be an indicator along with the others that have been mentioned. Changes in sleep habits can also occur during early pregnancy, and even when you are just 2 weeks pregnant.

Early signs of pregnancy will be different depending on each woman. Hormones play a large part in the chemistry of your body, so it is not always predictable. Sometimes, women think they are pregnant by some of the early indicators, but then it is a false alarm, or indication of some other illness. The one way to know is if the symptoms linger and do not go away. And that the symptoms of pregnancy are consistent with the average number of other women who become pregnant.

How To Measure and Count Pregnancy Weeks

How do you know that you're really not 4 weeks pregnant like the doctors say? How can 4 weeks really mean 2 weeks? How are pregnancy weeks counted, how do you measure the weeks and when do they start? When a woman conceives, it is within a 24-48 hour window either before or after ovulation occurs. This is usually around day 14-18 of a woman's menstrual cycle. But let's go back to the beginning of this cycle. You're 2 weeks pregnant, so when did your last menstrual cycle start?

The first cycle day is the first day of the menstrual period. It may last 5-7 days. Then, in another week, the ovaries prepare to release an egg. Ovulation typically occurs between day 14 and 18 of that cycle. If there is sperm at the top of the fallopian tube waiting for the release of the egg, (sperm can survive for up to 5 days), you increase chances of getting pregnant and the egg could be fertilized. It takes another 6-8 days for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. Then, the hormones are released that will cause the body's temperature to be higher than usual and create a warm, protective environment for the fertilized egg. These hormones can be detected about 10-14 days after ovulation and fertilization. Now do the math...you are 2 weeks pregnant when counting from the date of conception. So, they may say you are a month along, but you are really only 2 weeks pregnant.

Because most women don't keep track of when they have ovulated, OBGYNs count from the first day of the last menstrual period, assuming that a woman's cycle is normally about 4 weeks. That, however, is a broad generalization because women's menstrual cycles vary greatly from that average. So, if you know the approximate average length of your cycles, you can increase the chances of getting pregnant. If you have a 5-week cycle typically, then you would say that you are 4 weeks pregnant, even though it has been 5 weeks since your period began, in order to be more accurate with the way your OB will measure your pregnancy. Pregnancy is approximately 40 weeks in length, counting 4 weeks since your last period started, but not taking into account a woman who has longer menstrual cycles than 4 weeks. So, if your period was just late, consider yourself 4 weeks pregnant rather than 5 weeks pregnant, and add time to account for how long you waited to test after your period was due. Your doctor will probably tell you that the count is 4 weeks pregnant, but either way, your doctor will be able to determine your delivery pretty close to the correct date.

Even though you calculate the number of weeks pregnant that you are from when you became pregnant and the doctor confirms a due date for the baby, be prepared to be either late or early when it comes time to delivering your baby. If it's your first baby, the trend is for the baby to be later than the due date. Just remember, by the time you reach your due date, it will seem like yesterday when you were just 2 weeks pregnant!

Coping With Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

You need to know what to expect when your 2 weeks pregnant, so the easiest thing to do is start with a checklist. Start a week by week tracking right from the beginning and works best with this really cool checklist starting when you're 2 weeks pregnant. This way, you can follow your pregnancy by the week. This makes a nice journal later to look back at too. Get focused on the months ahead and it will get your mind off of the symptoms of early pregnancy.

Morning sickness is usually the very first symptom to appear and can show up as early as 2 - 5 weeks pregnant. There are so many tips about how to end morning sickness, but one method to end morning sickness really is getting a lot of rave reviews. This information about morning sickness is a completely safe and natural technique that will tell you how you can cure morning sickness in less than 24 hours. So yes, there is a way to get that permanent relief from morning sickness without harmful medications. The good news about morning sickness is that is goes away, usually by the time you are 3 months pregnant.

Fatigue is usually the most common, yet difficult symptom of early pregnancy to overcome. Your body needs so much more rest because the baby is using the nutrients your body needs. The baby will drain your energy, so rest is essential. Some pregnancy fatigue tips will help you get through this. It is also critical that you get on a good prenatal vitamin as soon as you learn you are pregnant. Your doctor can recommend a good one. Prenatal vitamins replace many of the minerals your body needs. This will help with your energy and concentration.

Here is a sneak preview of what to expect at 2 weeks pregnant in this highly rated and upbeat book from Amazon!

Rated 2 Weeks Pregnancy Week-by-Week, Some of the highlights of the book include:

  • Finding Out You Are Pregnant
  • Coping With Early Symptoms
  • Common Complaints

The best thing to do now if you know you are around 2 weeks pregnant, or later, is to get educated on the days and months ahead. Learn all you can about your body, your new baby, and what you can expect along the way.

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