The Importance Of Having Sexual Intercourse Just Before Ovulation

Here you'll find everything you need to know about your fertility cycle and the tools available, such as fertility monitors, ovulation test kits, and conception calculators, to assist you in having your baby quickly and with the greatest peace of mind.

Whether you're a first-time Mom who's just starting out, a Mom who's ready for her second or third baby, or a would-be Mom who's struggling to get pregnant, we have the fertility information and tools that you can use to get pregnant and fulfill your dream of motherhood.

The Importance Of Having Sexual Intercourse Just Before Ovulation

If you have a good understanding of the process of ovulation, you may well be aware of the significance of having sexual intercourse just before ovulation. For those who just have a vague idea of this process, it will be meaningful to discuss briefly how ovulation takes place and why it is important to have an intercourse before ovulation.

When does Ovulation happen?

Ovulation takes place when certain hormones are generated by your pituitary gland signaling the ovary to release an egg. The egg thus released is ready for mating with a sperm which results in fertilization. If the egg is not fertilized, after some days, it is flush out from your body. This is what you call a menstrual period. Then, a brand new egg is again released and the process continues in a cyclic manner. A normal ovulation cycle is completed in 28 days. And the first day of your menstrual period is also the first day of your ovulation cycle.

Now, it will also be worthwhile to discuss briefly the life span of an egg and a sperm. An egg has a shorter lifespan than a sperm. After it is released by the ovary an egg survives for about twenty-four hours. The sperm in contrast is more vigorous and can survive for up to seventy-two hours after being released.

Intercourse More Than a Day after Ovulation

Now, if you have a sexual intercourse more than a day after ovulation, the prospects of the sperm fertilizing the egg is reduced significantly. But if you have an intercourse before you ovulate, the sperm can wait for the egg to be released and once the egg is released, it can fertilize it. This is where the timing of sexual intercourse can be a determining factor in how quickly a woman conceives. This is why fertility doctors advise couples to have intercourses a few days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.

Now the dilemma is how you will come to know that you are ovulating. Generally this process takes place fourteen days before the first day of the menstrual period. So, if your menstrual periods are quite regular, you can do a rough calculation. Couples can also buy an ovulation predictor kit.

When a Woman's Fertility?

You see, a woman's fertility cycle is supposed to be pretty straight-forward, happening once each month, at a set time on the calendar, and yielding maximum fertility. But, somehow, with our busy high stress lives, with Moms having their kids later in life, with pollution, fast food and dieting affecting our natural rhythms, our fertility often seem elusive! Our internal body calendars are off, our calculations are wrong, and there's no pregnancy month after month.

Creating Your BBT Ovulation Calendar

Creating an ovulation calendar through the daily charting of your Basal Body Temperature (BBT) is one of the oldest and simplest methods women have used to pinpoint their optimal days for fertility and conception. The BBT ovulation calendar method is based on taking your temperature orally at the same time each day, right when you awake and before you get out of bed. If your ovulation cycle is fairly regular and you have no other pregnancy risk factors, this tried and true system may work for you.

Here are some simple steps to use in creating an ovulation calendar based on your BBT.

Prepare your ovulation calendar system by placing a digital thermometer (for speed and accuracy) and your BBT chart within easy reach of your bedside (sample chart shown below).
  • Using graph paper, your BBT chart should have four rows across the top of the page, with an extra-tall fifth row across the bottom of the page.
  • Label the first row as Day/Month, and fill in each day of the upcoming month, beginning on the first day of your period.
  • Label the second row to show the days that you have intercourse (filled in with an "I")
  • Label the third row to show the days of your period (filled in with an "X")
  • Label the fourth row to show the day of your menstrual cycle (with the first day of your period as "Day 1".
  • In the fifth row, mark indices for your BBT from 99.0 at the high end to 97.0 at the low end.
  • Each morning, try to wake at a very consistent time (this matters quite a bit) and take your temperature before rising or doing anything else
  • Record your temperature daily under the Day/Month column first filled in above, as well as any other important information such as days of your period, illness, or having intercourse.
  • If you become ill or have any other significant change in your schedule that could affect your BBT reading, be sure to make a notation on the ovulation calendar relatively mild changes in your routine can affect your BBT.
  • Over the course of your monthly ovulation cycle, draw a line from one temperature reading to the next to create a line graph of your BBT.
  • Be sure to begin a new BBT chart when its time for your next period to begin.

Once you've collected your BBT information, you will have an ovulation calendar that shows you when you've most likely ovulated. In a normal cycle, a woman's temperature will drop to around 97.0 to 97.5 Fahrenheit just prior to ovulation and then rise to a range of 97.6 to 98.6 following ovulation. You can use this information to determine how regular your ovulation cycle is and to pinpoint the approximate time of the month that you should be able to conceive.

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However, the BBT method will not tell you if you've actually ovulated or if your ovulation occurs at an unusual time within the ovulation cycle.

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