Veterans Day Fun Facts For Kids 2022

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Veterans Day Fun Facts For Kids 2022

Veterans Day Fun Facts For Kids 2022 - Every year 11th November is a day of great pleasure and patriotism for Americans as the country observes the very well known Veterans Day on 11th November. Veterans day is celebrated with great honor to dignities those Veterans who served in wars particularly in World War I and II. Veterans Day equally honors the male and female veterans without any discrimination. Americans celebrate Veterans Day with huge passion and utmost joy.

Given below are the fun facts about Veterans Day for kids as to give them better understanding of the concept:

  • The word Veteran means “experienced soldier” literally.
  • Most of the Veterans today live in California.
  • A yearly income of a veteran is way more than civilians.
  • Veterans Day is supposed to be written without any apostrophe.
  • Every year a ceremony is held by Arlington National Cemetery in honour of those who died in all the wars. The ceremony is observed on 11 AM around the tomb of the unknowns. A mix colour guard depicting all the military service perform “present arms” at the tomb.
  • Veterans Day is observed on 11th November because the armistice signed for the peace in World War I was signed on 11th month, 11th day and 11th hour, so it is easier to remember the date and its importance.
  • Veterans Day was initially known as Armistice Day but then a bill was passed to officially change the name to Veterans Day in 1954.
  • Veterans Day is now celebrated to honor all those who are serving as current duty officers in military along with the originally intended people the “Veterans”.
  • Different restaurants provide special free and discounted meals for Veterans and current duty officials all over the country.
  • Approximately 1.6 million veterans are females.
  • Most of the veterans today are above age 65.
  • Veterans Day is not just off for school; in fact it is a federal state holiday.
  • Kids can participate in special parades on Veterans Day along with their school band to play their part in thanking the honorable veterans.
  • Veterans Day is also celebrated in France, Canada, Australia and Britain.
  • In 1938, Veterans Day officially became the national holiday, whereas the war ended in 1919.
  • Veterans Day is different from Memorial Day as the Veterans Day honors alive and dead particularly alive who have served the country in all better and worse times whereas Memorial Day is only for the martyrs of wars.
  • Around 90% of Disney workers helped in formulation of propaganda and video tutorials in World War II.
  • Veterans Day is observed on the same day as Remembrance or Armistice Day in further countries.
  • Around 12.9 million Veterans were identified alive in 2009.
  • Veterans Day is celebrated by arranging ceremonies and parades all over the country.
  • Veterans Day is both state and federal holiday in United States but schools have the choice to stay open.

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