Second Trimester Pregnancy, Things You Can Expect

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The 4th, 5th and 6th month of the pregnancy comes under the second trimester pregnancy. This is the time when you can expect certain things as discussed below.

Visiting Your Doctor Or Health Care Professional

Probably the first thing you can expect is that you will have to make some frequent, usually monthly, visit to your doctor or the health care professional. When you go for such a visit to your doctor, make sure that you talk to your doctor about everything that come to your mind regarding pregnancy and pregnancy labor. For example, if you have any concerns, you are facing some symptoms, or there are certain things you are just wondering about, it is important for you to talk to your doctor or the health care provider regarding that. You must keep in mind that they might look little and insignificant things for you, but still it is important for your doctor to know about those things. Therefore, do not hesitate talking about those things. Always remember that when it comes to pregnancy, no question is a silly question.

Things That You Can Expect The Doctor To Do

There are certain things that your doctor will probably do when you go for a monthly visit to him or her For example, it is very much likely that the doctor will measure your abdomen size. The doctor will measure from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone. Usually, this measurement is done in centimeters. There is an interesting fact associated with this measurement that the number of centimeters is usually equal to the number of weeks you are into the pregnancy. The doctor will also use device known as a Doppler in order to listen for the heartbeat of the baby.

Movement Of The Baby

It is something very important. In usual circumstances, the baby starts kicking or moving at around twenty pregnancy week. Therefore, when you feel this movement inside your abdomen, it is always good to inform your doctor regarding this movement as and when you start noticing them. In medical term, this feeling is also described as a tickling or fluttering feeling.

Urine Test

During the second trimester pregnancy, the urine of the pregnant woman is again tested in order to know about the levels of protein and sugar. The doctor will also perform certain tests in order to check for symptoms of the gestational diabetes. The gestational diabetes is a kind of diabetes, which is temporary and it can occur anytime during the pregnancy.

Pelvic Exams

Pelvic exams are usually not required in the second trimester pregnancy. However, if there is a concern from your doctor or the health care professional.

Other Tests

There are certain other tests as well that your doctor may perform during the second pregnancy trimester.

  • Blood tests
  • Blood tests are usually performed in order to check for certain disorders, such as Downs syndrome or spinal bifida
  • An ultrasound is performed in order to check on the growth and development of your baby

If the doctor is not satisfied with the results of the blood test or the ultrasound, he or she may also want to perform a more invasive test, known as amniocentesis during the second trimester pregnancy.

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